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You’ve finally decided to start exercising. Terrific! So, now what…?

Personal Trainer

You’ve finally decided to start exercising. Terrific!

So, now what…?

From the privacy of our own homes with P90X to group or communal programs like Crossfit (just to name a couple out of hundreds of programs), the popularity of exercising is ever-increasing and always evolving; the options often seem endless. Sure, we all love options, and for the most part options are great. However, having so many things to choose from could pose a problem for some. Let me explain. When someone with little to no previous exercise experience begins this journey, usually what happens is, they purchase a membership to a local 24-hour gym or buy a DVD for home and start going to town. But, how do you know your body is ready? Shouldn’t you follow a SYSTEMATIC, PROGRESSIVE PROGRAM? “Um… Josh, what does that mean??” Simply put, we need to build ourselves from the inside out, NOT the other way around. By building a stable foundation, we can help eliminate injuries which are usually caused by misalignment during movements. Misalignments are caused, in part, by weak or untrained stabilizers. And I’m not just talking about our abs. We have stabilization muscles throughout the entire body. Let me say this one more time: By using a proper SYSTEMATIC, PROGRESSIVE programing we can help eliminate injuries. We can strengthen and teach our body proper movements, obtain proper mobility and range of motion. This may not sound sexy, but neither does sitting on the side lines for a few weeks because of an injury. The beauty of this type of programming is that it’s not just for weight training!! We can use it for speed and agility, body weight exercises and so on.

The second part of this equation is the actual programming. Again, there are a ton of options out there for us. Whether it is the latest expert or book, a website or YouTube, the information is constantly streaming. Once more: so, now what??? What kind of exercises should you do? Okay, here’s where I selfishly promote TILS Fitness Studio (Come on, you knew it was coming…☺): We perform fitness assessments on EVERYONE who comes through our door! These assessments are not designed to embarrass you or expose your weaknesses. No, they are for us as trainers to understand how to design a program around your specific areas that need improvement. Trust me when I say this- WE ALL have areas where we can improve on! We spend long hours designing programming in a way that properly progresses individuals through various stages of training. One of our primary goals is to make sure you do not get injured during training. Even if you have no desire to get involved with a personal trainer, please make sure you reach out to someone with credentials who is willing to answer your questions. If you have any questions for us, please don’t hesitate!

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